Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Career Connections- Matchmakers of the Job World

Career connections' presentation this evening was long and somewhat tedious- and luckily, also extremely useful! :) Basically, career connections is a one stop shop for getting the most out of your degree- from finding jobs, internships and other real-world business opportunities to editing resumes and deciding on an area of emphasis, Career connections is the real deal- one upperclassman who came to talk to us got to go to a networking fair in NYC with over 150 CU alumni to get advice from.
CC also can give your application a boost with employers who are generally looking for Ivy League graduates- which means you could get the same employment opportunities as the kid sitting next to you from Harvard. Getting competitive internships allows you to experience a job and make the mistakes you're bound to make- without risking your career on learning how to do what you're supposed to.
Other advice offered by the older people who had used career connections extensively:
1. Go to your advisor every semester and make sure you're on track- do not be the guy who doesn't graduate because you don't have 3 core credits.
2.Get involved. This has probably been pounded into our brains more times than you can even count, but it's true- high school activities can't go on your college resume for more than a year. :( So much for DECA and FBLA...
3. Get to know your professors so you can beg them for letters of recommendation later... and do better in their classes. :)
4. Find what you love and go for it- pursue what interests you because in the end, that's where you will be the most successful.
I realize this all sounds like stuff that you'll be worrying about junior/senior year, but you have the chance to find internships even as a freshman.
Signing up on the Career Services website (Career Services is the overarching career service for the whole school, whereas Career Connections is Leeds-specific) allows you to scan through available positions and apply to any that sound intriguing, and if you're feeling lazy it can even provide you with a list of jobs that want you.
TO SIGN UP FOR THIS COOL STUFF: Click on the sign in link in the upper right hand corner, and when given the option to sign in click on register.

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