Monday, October 5, 2009

Where is the Best Mac and Cheese in Boulder?

My friends back in Oklahoma and I were on this quest to find the best restaurant Mac and Cheese in Oklahoma City. We are not talking any blue box, Kraft excuses, this is real Mac--the kind with at least three cheeses (and on one eventful night black truffle) in it. Now, one of those friend is coming up to visit, and I have a sneaking suspicion that she will want to continue the search in Boulder. Unfortunately, as a poor college student, I don't eat out a lot, and don't know where we should start looking. Any suggestions? Also does anyone know of any cool places/events I should take her to while she is in the area? She is coming this weekend, so please tell me about your ideas ASAP! Thanks!


Sally Forester said...

Noodles and Company- cheap, standard

The Kitchen- upstairs (only has it seasonally)

Brasserie 1010 makes a mean lobster mac and cheese- not sure if it's on the menu right now.

Hmmm... it's only 9:14am and now I'm hungry

Unknown said...

Walnut Brewery has a Mac and Cheese and chicken. Delicious and moderately priced.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sally. The Kitchen Upstairs Mac is awesome.

Also, Walnut Brewery does a Mac and Cheese